What I’ve Been Doing

I admit I’ve had a bit of a lull in sewing production the last few weeks. The danger of loving as many crafts as I do is that it’s easy to get a little involved in a lot of projects without really finishing any.

I started knitting this Central Park Hoodie over Christmas break. I like the repetition of the cable pattern and it’s easy to knit while watching a movie or Project Runway as the case may be in my house. Unlike sewing with its quick results, this sweater takes some investment of your time. At this rate, I should be done by Christmas 2016.


And I am still in my pottery obsession phase. Being at the studio gives me such a great creative outlet that I don’t feel as driven to crank out sewing projects when the weekend rolls around. Instead I find myself plotting different glaze combinations I’d like to try and rationalizing that it’s okay to have 20 similar bowls because who really needs plates, cups and mugs anyway?

purple pots

Stay tuned, though, because I’m feeling the sewing bug again and I have some new indie patterns burning a hole on my sewing table!

indie patterns

Pottery Class

As a Christmas gift to myself, I enrolled in a pottery class. I have had a fascination with the craft for ages but never had the chance to dabble in it until now. I think one of my favorite aspects is the ability to make useful (eventually!) items. Much like sewing, I am drawn to artistic pursuits that provide utilitarian results.

I foolishly envisioned myself being a complete guru from the start. That was not the case. Pursuing this craft has taught me patience. There are many steps involved and other than the actual throwing of the pottery on the wheel, none of them are fast. It can take weeks from the initial removal of the piece from your wheel to collecting it from the kiln after glazing. I often need the reminder that the best things in life are worth waiting for.

Below are pictures of some of the pieces I’ve done in my first month.

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I am very excited to have enrolled in a second session and hope that I will progress to some more challenging projects before too long.